Source code for stream

import re
import os

__author__ = 'Thierry Schellenbach'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2014, Thierry Schellenbach'
__credits__ = ['Thierry Schellenbach,, @tschellenbach']
__license__ = 'BSD'
__version__ = '2.0.1'
__maintainer__ = 'Thierry Schellenbach'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

[docs]def connect(api_key=None, api_secret=None, app_id=None, version='v1.0', timeout=3.0): ''' Returns a Client object :param api_key: your api key or heroku url :param api_secret: the api secret :param app_id: the app id (used for listening to feed changes) ''' from stream.client import StreamClient stream_url = os.environ.get('STREAM_URL') # support for the heroku STREAM_URL syntax if stream_url and not api_key: pattern = re.compile( 'https\:\/\/(\w+)\:(\w+).*app_id=(\d+)', re.IGNORECASE) result = pattern.match(stream_url) if result and len(result.groups()) == 3: api_key, api_secret, app_id = result.groups() else: raise ValueError('Invalid api key or heroku url') return StreamClient(api_key, api_secret, app_id, version, timeout)