Source code for stream.feed

from stream.utils import validate_feed_id, validate_user_id, validate_feed_slug

[docs]class Feed(object): def __init__(self, client, feed_slug, user_id, token): ''' Initializes the Feed class :param client: the api client :param slug: the slug of the feed, ie user, flat, notification :param user_id: the id of the user :param token: the token ''' self.client = client self.slug = feed_slug self.user_id = str(user_id) = '%s:%s' % (feed_slug, user_id) self.token = token self.feed_url = 'feed/%s/' %':', '/') self.feed_together =':', '') self.signature = self.feed_together + ' ' + self.token
[docs] def add_activity(self, activity_data): ''' Adds an activity to the feed, this will also trigger an update to all the feeds which follow this feed :param activity_data: a dict with the activity data **Example**:: activity_data = {'actor': 1, 'verb': 'tweet', 'object': 1} activity_id = feed.add_activity(activity_data) ''' if activity_data.get('to'): activity_data['to'] = self.add_to_signature(activity_data['to']) result = self.feed_url, data=activity_data, signature=self.signature) return result
[docs] def add_activities(self, activity_list): ''' Adds a list of activities to the feed :param activity_list: a list with the activity data dicts **Example**:: activity_data = [ {'actor': 1, 'verb': 'tweet', 'object': 1}, {'actor': 2, 'verb': 'watch', 'object': 2}, ] result = feed.add_activities(activity_data) ''' for activity_data in activity_list: if activity_data.get('to'): activity_data['to'] = self.add_to_signature( activity_data['to']) data = dict(activities=activity_list) result = self.feed_url, data=data, signature=self.signature) return result
[docs] def remove_activity(self, activity_id=None, foreign_id=None): ''' Removes an activity from the feed :param activity_id: the activity id to remove from this feed (note this will also remove the activity from feeds which follow this feed) :param foreign_id: the foreign id you provided when adding the activity ''' identifier = activity_id or foreign_id if not identifier: raise ValueError('please either provide activity_id or foreign_id') url = self.feed_url + '%s/' % identifier params = dict() if foreign_id is not None: params['foreign_id'] = '1' result = self.client.delete( url, signature=self.signature, params=params) return result
[docs] def get(self, **params): ''' Get the activities in this feed **Example**:: # fast pagination using id filtering feed.get(limit=10, id_lte=100292310) # slow pagination using offset feed.get(limit=10, offset=10) ''' mark_read = params.get('mark_read') if isinstance(mark_read, (list, tuple)): params['mark_read'] = ','.join(mark_read) response = self.client.get( self.feed_url, params=params, signature=self.signature) return response
[docs] def follow(self, target_feed_slug, target_user_id): ''' Follows the given feed :param target_feed_slug: the slug of the target feed :param target_user_id: the user id ''' target_feed_slug = validate_feed_slug(target_feed_slug) target_user_id = validate_user_id(target_user_id) target_feed_id = '%s:%s' % (target_feed_slug, target_user_id) url = self.feed_url + 'follows/' data = { 'target': target_feed_id, 'target_token': self.client.feed(target_feed_slug, target_user_id).token } response = url, data=data, signature=self.signature) return response
[docs] def unfollow(self, target_feed_slug, target_user_id): ''' Unfollow the given feed ''' target_feed_slug = validate_feed_slug(target_feed_slug) target_user_id = validate_user_id(target_user_id) target_feed_id = '%s:%s' % (target_feed_slug, target_user_id) url = self.feed_url + 'follows/%s/' % target_feed_id response = self.client.delete(url, signature=self.signature) return response
[docs] def followers(self, offset=0, limit=25, feeds=None): ''' Lists the followers for the given feed ''' feeds = feeds is not None and ','.join(feeds) or '' params = { 'limit': limit, 'offset': offset, 'filter': feeds } url = self.feed_url + 'followers/' response = self.client.get( url, params=params, signature=self.signature) return response
[docs] def following(self, offset=0, limit=25, feeds=None): ''' List the feeds which this feed is following ''' feeds = feeds is not None and ','.join(feeds) or '' params = { 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, 'filter': feeds } url = self.feed_url + 'follows/' response = self.client.get( url, params=params, signature=self.signature) return response
[docs] def add_to_signature(self, recipients): ''' Takes a list of recipients such as ['user:1', 'user:2'] and turns it into a list with the tokens included ['user:1 token', 'user:2 token'] ''' data = [] for recipient in recipients: validate_feed_id(recipient) feed_slug, user_id = recipient.split(':') feed = self.client.feed(feed_slug, user_id) data.append("%s %s" % (recipient, feed.token)) return data